Seeing the invisible

Last Saturday was a day like another. Well, almost. After the flight we checked our data and... wait, a flat signal at 5 V from one of our temperature sensors?! Something must have gone wrong. But how can one examine an instrument with a 2.5 micron wire, almost impossible to see with the naked eye? Obviously, with a magnifying glass. We watched it carefully and we saw that one of the wires was broken. The wires are really delicate so it could happen. Luckily, we had spare ones.
Supports look like a fork. There is also a shield. Can you see the wires? Me neither.

The next day there were two flights so we hadn't enough time to fix it. But on Monday a briefing was planned on 12 - a front system passing by bought us some time. 

Extremely precise work

The work was quite tough because we had to be gentle and careful but we managed to do it! We did some preliminary tests and after yesterday flight we can happily announce that our ultrafast thermometer UFT is working. Good job!

Making the very first test record


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